Total Mindfulness:
Life in every moment!

by iSON psychometrica

Health, personal happiness and professional success are not a matter of luck, but of conscious decision.

What is Total Mindfulness?

The term “Mindfulness” means to stay focused on the present, observe what is happening around without judgment. It is a skill, which means that every person can practice it and cultivate it through simple exercises and techniques.

What makes Total Mindfulness stand out is that respects people’s needs in a 4 dimensions: body-mind-emotion-environment. With this logic, it includes carefully selected techniques from the following categories:

  • Physical, i.e. simple exercises that we can do anywhere, with which we become aware of our body, its basic functions (e.g. breathing) and its relationship with the environment.
  • Mental, i.e. focusing the mind on specific objects, thoughts or activities, cultivating cognitive skills such as concentration and attention.
  • Recognition and acceptance of feelings and inner states, so that we ourselves are the ones who shape our inner field by making it happy, optimistic, positive.
  • Observing the space in which we find ourselves and the stimuli it provides us, our relationships with people in our personal, professional, social life, etc.

Living in a constantly changing world, it is important to see and accept reality as it is. This helps us feel good wherever we are, regardless of the external conditions. At the same time, by actually taking care of ourselves, we strengthen our psychosomatic health so that we can also support the people who are important to us by creating relationships of love and harmony with them.

Mindfulness & science

To date, hundreds of studies have been carried out on the positive effect of mindfulness on modern man. Scientific interest is constantly growing in investigating how mindfulness affects the morphology of the brain, offering significant benefits that can dramatically change people’s lives for the better overall.

For more information on the scientific evidence for mindfulness, click here:

  • Healing Emotions: Conversations With the Dalai Lama on Mindfulness, Emotions, and Health. Edited by Daniel Goleman. 1990 Mind & Life Dialogue in Dharamsala, India. Shambhala Publications
  • Resources for Teaching Mindfulness: An International Handbook. Edited by Donald McCown, Diane K. Reibel and Marc S. Micozzi. Including chapters by Susan Bauer-Wu, Willoughby B. Britton and Rhonda Magee. Springer
  • Meditation, Buddhism, and Science. Edited by David McMahan and Erik Braun. Oxford University Press
  • The Dalai Lama at MIT, by Anne Harrington and Arthur Zajonc, 2003 Mind & Life Dialogue in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Harvard University Press
  • The Monastery and the Microscope: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Mind, Mindfulness, and the Nature of Reality. 2013 Mind & Life Dialogue in Mundgod, India. Edited by Wendy Hasenkamp with Janna White. Yale University Press
  • Mindful America: The Mutual Transformation of Buddhist Wilson, Jeff, 2014. Meditation and American Culture. Oxford University Press.
  • Mindfulness in organisations Case Studies of Organisational Practice. Carter, A., Tobias, J., & Spiegelhalter K. (2016). Institute for Employment Studies: Brighton.


The techniques of Total Mindfulness, when practiced systematically, can have spectacular results in people’s quality of life. Both in the smooth flow of everyday life, as well as in the difficult and extraordinary circumstances of life, with these techniques we gradually adopt a life attitude that has immediate benefits, which can decisively upgrade the quality of our life in the following ways:

  • We cultivate a constant sense of peace, calm and stillness, even when external conditions are adverse or uncertain.
  • We improve memory, attention, the ability to focus and concentrate.
  • We gradually manage our time better, which directly leads to an increase in our efficiency and productivity.
  • We strengthen the clarity of our thinking, so we immediately make better decisions, achieving our goals (personal, professional, social, etc.) faster.
  • As we practice we are accepting the present, we cultivate a sense of gratitude for what we have and enjoy.
  • By ensuring a stable emotional state, we can relate to other people with feelings of kindness, kindness and genuine concern.
  • We preserve our overall psychosomatic balance, taking control of our health and well-being into our own hands.

Educational seminars

Simple techniques - immediate results

The techniques of Total Mindfulness are suitable for all people, of all ages and physical conditions, and do not require any relevant previous experience.

For ISON Psychometrica “every person counts”. That’s why we make it possible for everyone to experience the benefits of a Total Mindfulness practice by offering free exercise videos.

Specialized Total Mindfulness seminars

Mindfulness is practiced worldwide today not only on an individual level, but also in businesses, public and private organizations, educational institutions of all levels, police, army, etc. Total Mindfulness, responding to the demands of the modern era, offers, in addition to general experiential education aimed at everyone, specialized seminars for businesses and organizations, as well as for schools and other educational institutions.

For Business

For Schools

European Program SOFIA

ISON Psychometrica participated as a Greek partner for the European program SOFIA Mindfulness which aimed to:

  • Strengthening the personal and professional skills and abilities of adults, through the stimulation of their executive functions.
  • Developing innovative methods and tools that help adults be more effective and improve their skills.
sofia erasmus

What people say about us?

Kontogiannis Stella | My contact with Mindfulness began two years ago, in 2019, and when I found ISON's Total Mindfulness training program, I chose it without a second thought. In fact, both the trainer Ms. Stella Koutri, and the program with theory and practical training, gave me a full experience of what living with Mindfulness is.​

Ero Katri | "With the guidance of Ms. Koutri, I gained the confidence to use mindfulness techniques in my work. After the training, I felt its benefit on a personal level."

Myropi Stamou​ | The training program "total mindfulness" was for me a journey into the world of mindfulness. Through this journey and Stella's guidance, I was able to flourish through Mindfulness, believe more in myself, and be able to create and implement mindfulness exercises for children. Many thanks to Stella, Mr. Stathopoulos and to the entire team of ISON Psychometrica, for all the help and genuine kindness.

What I liked about the Act Soma training program was that it emphasized the practical-experiential part combined with theory and rich material that I was able to use immediately in my work. This particular method helps in a deeper awareness of the body-emotion connection and a better contact with them (by extension also in a deeper connection with ourselves), while it contributes to relieving stress and improving mood. I also think it can be helpful for people who are very analytical in their daily lives, so it will bring them in touch with their emotional-intuitive side. Many thanks to Ms. Stella Koutri for this beautiful educational experience!

Fani Passia | I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the training I participated in, it was beyond my expectations and once again ISON held a successful seminar. I have known you since 2004 when I did my first training at E.P. and you keep getting better and better. But what sets you apart is the constant and close cooperation and support you provide us. I will come back soon with proposals for collaboration and also for professional applications of mindfulness. Thank you for all.

Meet the trainer

Program director: Stella Koutris (B.Eng., M.Sc.)

Stella Koutri is a certified movement instructor of Yoga, Pilates, Luohan Qigong, Gyrokinesis, etc. She specializes in and teaches methods for maintaining psychophysical health. She is the founder and director of the Holistic Moves Center. She also has many years of experience in teaching holistic movement methods, both on an individual and group level. She has introduced and teaches exclusively in Greece certified movement methods for well-being. She co-ordinates and develops the program of Total Consciousness, with which every person can experience a total rebirth, through the positive changes it brings about in everyday life.

She studied Electrical Engineering at the Polytechnic University and did post-graduate studies in management and decision-making. She speaks English and Italian and has a professional translation diploma. 

She is certified as a Mindfulness Teacher & Coach by the International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance and is a member of the Mindfulness Association and The Center for Mindful Eating.

 ISON Psychometrica

1991-2022 | 30 years  – 

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